
Getting started with R+ & Obstacles

15 March 9:30am – 5pm

Kandanga, Queensland

Fun trust building exercises with your horse

Build confidence and connection with your horse at this half day clinic in Kandanga, Qld. Create a trusting partnership with your horse and learn how you can help your horse have a positive approach towards new objects and scary items.

The afternoon session is suitable for people who have experience using positive reinforcement with horses. If you are new to R+ an introductory clinic will be held from 9:30am – 12:30pm.

Getting Right Into Positive Reinforcement 9:30-12:30 15 March

Prepare to be amazed at your horses newfound willingness and softness that comes with using positive reinforcement in training! Learn correct feeding techniques and other tips to smoothly transition to using R+


Afternoon Obstacles only $110

Full day: $200

Fence sitter: $30 1/2 day, $60 full day

For more information ph 0406264784 email claire @ wonderpetstraining .com .au